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International Thespian Society

The International Thespian Society (ITS) is the Educational Theatre Association’s student honorary organization. ITS recognizes the achievements of high school and middle school theatre students.

The Chantilly Thespian Troupe supports and expands theatre opportunities for Chantilly students. Students earn membership by participating in theatre projects. The time commitment varies widely according to the schedule of projects. Members must earn ten (10) Thespian points, one point being the equivalent of 10 quality hours of work on a production. To remain active in the troupe, students must earn at least 4 points per year, attend meetings and be involved in Thespian activities.

Meet your 2023-2024 ITS Officers!

President - Rory
President - Rory
VP-Acting, McKenzy Hopkins
VP-Acting, McKenzy Hopkins
VP-Tech, Lake Ervin
VP-Tech, Lake Ervin
Director of Outreach - Bridget
Director of Outreach - Bridget
Director of Activities -Nishmaya
Director of Activities -Nishmaya
Historian - Amelia
Historian - Amelia